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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

BID Again

Petitions are being passed in Downtown Boulder; the signees are business leaders who want to continue taxing themselves to improve downtown. They starting taxing themselves nearly a decade ago, and the beauty, safety and success of the bricks makes it clear this is a great business decision.

Jane Jenkins, executive director of the Downtown Boulder Business Improvement District, plans to submit signatures of at least 50 percent of downtown business owners to Boulder City Council this fall. "The general agreement is, this thing works, so to avoid having to do this again, we're asking for 20 years this time."

The district's $950,000 budget helps pay for marketing for the downtown, "clean and safe" services, and programming services like concerts and other events.

To read the original article in the Daily Camera click here

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posted by Anonymous @ Wednesday, August 27, 2008   1 comments