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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Toofy Film Fest Makes Boulder Famous

There's Sundance. There's Cannes. There's Venice. And then... there's Toofy. The Boulder film fest that's named after a normal guy who put licorice on his intact teeth to black them out, donned a flannel shirt, and went into a convenience store at 2 a.m. to buy a can of beans with pennies. A friend filmed the whole charade and the Toofy Film Fest got its name.

This weekend, enjoy all the excitement Toofy has to offer. Short films galore, the feature length film FIX, and after the films, the after party. This hot evening event includes a fashion show presented by Fashion Denver and brainboxCreative, beats by Japadapta, and fashion footage films. If you're feeling hungover on Sunday from all the fun, take the hair of the dog and see feature films We Are Wizards and Adventures of Power. All of this entertainment conveniently located in Boulder Theater.

Even though Katie Holmes might not be there, you should be. Everyone else will be there. Everyone except Katie Holmes. See more information on the Toofy site here.

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posted by Anonymous @ Wednesday, September 10, 2008   0 comments


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