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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Pendulum New Music's Unsilent Night

Join Pendulum New Music with your friends and family on the Pearl Street Mall (meet at 15th and Pearl streets) this Friday (December 12) at 7:30 p.m. for the second annual UNSILENT NIGHT - a community music event, scored for an infinite number of boomboxes!

"Every year since 1992 I've presented UNSILENT NIGHT, an outdoor ambient music piece for an infinite number of boomboxes," said Phil Kline. "It's like a caroling party except that we don't sing, but rather carry the music, each of us playing a separate track that is a "voice" in the piece. In effect, we become a city-block-long sound system!"

Join them and bring a boombox, or anything that will blast a cassette, CD or Mp3. The more tracks they play, the bigger and more amazing it sounds. If you'd like to participate, please RSVP via e-mail: cupendulum@gmail. (CDs and cassette tapes will be available at the event, though please RSVP, because it will help them calculate how many copies to make.) If you'd like to participate but don't have a boombox or a music player with speakers, you can just show up and join the parade. Everyone is an important part of the procession. Help make a BIG (and joyful) noise. This is always a free event and all ages are welcome.

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posted by Anonymous @ Thursday, December 11, 2008   0 comments


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