Happy Sesquicentennial Boulder!
Ses-qui-cen-ten-ni-al | sěs'kwĭ-sěn-těn'ē-əl - Say that one five times fast or watch a funny video on YouTube of others trying to get it right just once! The definition: A 150th anniversary or celebration...
This past Tuesday, hundreds of "long-timers" (aka people who have lived in boulder for 50+ years) came together for a celebration in their honor at the historic Hotel Boulderado (celebrating its own 100th anniversary this year) as part of Boulder's sesquicentennial year-long festivities.
Long-timers reminisced about Boulder's landscape and businesses in the early 50s and prior, as well as recalled happy memories of years gone by. The reception is just one of many events happening this year to celebrate Boulder's 150th anniversary. Earlier on Tuesday, crowds gathered in front of the Boulder County Courthouse for a community bell ringing. Boulder residents were invited to ring individual bells 150 times to celebrate the founding of the city.
Throughout the remainder of 2009, several lectures and other events celebrating our sesquicentennial will take place at various locations throughout the city. Banners commemorating the historic event will remain up along the Pearl Street Mall throughout the year. For more information about Boulder's sesquicentennial, visit: Boulder150.com.
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