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Friday, May 22, 2009

Social Networking in Downtown Boulder

Just back from a four hour Social Media conference and feeling inspired by what I learned! I'm writing my first blog post as Terri Takata-Smith rather than the Director of Marketing and Communications for Downtown Boulder. What's the difference? I'm humanizing my writing! I'm throwing out my tendency to write a blog posting as a traditional press release.

So what else did I learn? We (Downtown Boulder), me (Terri), us (Eli & Claire) need to write with passion. Be human. Inspire conversations. Listen to what other people are saying! Sounds easy but forcing myself to approach Social Media with a different perspective from my "classically" trained communications/marketing background is going to take some work. It's a fantastic challenge and one that I'm eager to master.

We have started keeping a page of all the Downtown Boulder businesses who are using Twitter. Check it out here. Please keep visiting our blog postings and let us know how we are (I am) doing. If you Facebook, join our page! Have a great holiday weekend and definitely step "off line" to experience the Boulder Creek Festival, Boulder County Farmers' Market, E-Town Dinner & Show, BolderBOULDER SportsExhibit and the first annual Cupcake Cram!

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posted by Anonymous @ Friday, May 22, 2009   0 comments


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