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Monday, July 06, 2009

That's How I Roll: Big Wheels Rally is Back in Town

"Because it's never too late to have a happy childhood."

What better to do with your Saturday then speed down the streets on your tricked-out, super fast and super fun...big wheel? Join The Almost-Annual Big Wheel Rally for some grown-up fun with little-kid toys. Drinking will be involved.

The ride starts at The Walrus for drink specials then at 6:30, test runs and tune ups will happen at the St. Julien. At 8:30 p.m., the rally officially gets underway at the Camera parking lot for some adrenaline-pumping, speed-or-die racing. For a full itinerary of the night, including which downtown bars will give you discounts, click here.

If you're in it to win it, www.bigwheelrally.com is a great resource for trike modifications so it doesn't break from all your adult (beer) weight. Costumes are encouraged to increase aerodynamics, create distractions for your opponents, or have shiny thing at which the spectators can marvel.

As ridiculous as this all may sound, The Almost-Annual Big Wheel Rally benefits some great causes. Registration fees and t-shirt sales all go directly to help support capital needs, continuing education for Saint Joseph's NICU staff and any special needs for the babies or families of the NICU.

Fool around for a good cause - register now!

- Claire Little

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posted by Anonymous @ Monday, July 06, 2009   0 comments


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