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Friday, December 11, 2009

Lights Out Boulder

Less than an hour until Lights Out Lunch. Restaurants use five times the energy than other commercial buildings, and turning off the lights makes a pretty poignant statement.If it's discounts you're looking for, then head over to any of Boulder's participating restaurants. Pledge to do your part to save energy this winter and get hooked up.

Participating restaurants include: Boulder Baked, Foolish Craigs, Hapa Sushi, Rio Boulder, Cefiore CO, Foolish Craigs, and Jills.

I question why we don't turn the lights off from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. when the crowd is sparse anyways, or just head down to the Sundowner, it's always dark down there. In fact, why not just close up the office in an hour and save all sorts of energy. I was always a huge fan of early weekends in Boulder.

If you want to save some of your own energy the The Governor's office and Xcel energy is also still sponsoring $1 compact fluorescent lights. Even if you're not a broke student, winter energy bills still pile up and it's never too late to save some cash.


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posted by Anonymous @ Friday, December 11, 2009   0 comments


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