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Monday, December 14, 2009

National Cupcake Day

National Cupcake Day is tomorrow and a way better idea than turning off the lights at lunch (no offense Xcel, great strategy). As if you needed an excuse to go grab a cupcake.

Perhaps that is what started the cupcake trend, just a little bit of decadence. Admit it, even those Safeway cakes are tempting. Yet, I never had the nerve to ask for a sheet cake emblazoned with "Happy Tuesday Night Ian." I never have a problem walking into Tee and Cakes and asking for a half dozen cupcakes. I can even pretend they are for friends, coworkers or some other extravagance.

You can't do that with a cake, you need people to share a cake with. National Cupcake day is the great social equalizer. But in honor of the occasion I think I may actually get a real cake, wishing me and all my friends a Happy National Cupcake Day.


"I wanted to buy a candle holder, but the store didn't have one. So I got a cake." - Mitch Hedberg

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posted by Anonymous @ Monday, December 14, 2009   1 comments