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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

This Isn't Goodbye...

Today is my last day interning at Downtown Boulder, Inc, but I'm not going to write a sappy "last day" blog because I've basically forced Eli and Terri to let me keep blogging for them. So dry your tears, Mom, you can still follow my words of wisdom.

However, my position is open for the taking, so all those who fill the qualification of being awesome, send your resume to eli@dbi.org. It's an unpaid position, but 100% worth the time and effort you put into it. Great people, fun adventures, and many downtown secrets to be uncovered! Must have a sense of humor to put up with Eli, though ;)

In pursuit of brevity, I'm signing off, but not without some shameless self-promotion: If you're interested in employing me, I may be available. And also, I'm on Twitter: @stacytheintern. Let's be friends!

Thanks for everything!


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posted by Anonymous @ Wednesday, May 19, 2010   0 comments


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